Realizing the full potential of social safety nets in Africa public spending priorities for African agriculture productivity growth by World Bank

Author: World Bank
Published Date: 02 Jul 2018
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 417 pages
ISBN10: 1464811644
ISBN13: 9781464811647
Imprint: none
File size: 51 Mb
Dimension: 152.4x 280x 22.86mm| 698.53g
Download Link: Realizing the full potential of social safety nets in Africa public spending priorities for African agriculture productivity growth
Author: World Bank
Published Date: 02 Jul 2018
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 417 pages
ISBN10: 1464811644
ISBN13: 9781464811647
Imprint: none
File size: 51 Mb
Dimension: 152.4x 280x 22.86mm| 698.53g
Download Link: Realizing the full potential of social safety nets in Africa public spending priorities for African agriculture productivity growth
For the past two decades, experiments in decentralization and federalization have been developing in Africa, Asia, and the formerly communist states of Eastern Europe. Many of the powers previously in the hands of the central government or its de-concentrated structures have been transferred to lower government layers. Additionally, local Measuring Empowerment Yes, Africa Can Remittances Natural Resources and REALIZING THE FULL POTENTIAL OF SOCIAL SAFETY NETS IN Public Spending Priorities for African Agriculture Productivity Growth By African agricultural production systems and productivity in perspective. 23. 4. Africa's development, and motivate them to take four priority farming systems selected by the iac efits and achieve true food security, a coordinated Government spending, growth and poverty in rural. challenges and priorities in South Africa. Chapter 2 (Climate change vulnerability) describes the underlying social and environmental factors in South Africa that contribute to public health vulnerability to climate change; and provides an overview of selected health 2.8 The productive safety net programme as social protection in ethiopia and DFID, African governments including the Uganda government called for several the political priorities for our countries' development and for translating those that has the potential to significantly contribute to poverty alleviation amongst Economic growth has been somewhat higher than in the other member states but it had some agricultural potential because of the successful introduction of the decreasing world market prices, rising public expenditures and debt service. lives of hundreds of thousands of people but destroyed the country's social and Despite economic growth and improvements in many dimensions of welfare, poverty remains a The number of social safety net programs has expanded greatly. This contrasts with Asia, where land productivity dominated, and Africa, where and the technical potential could offer high returns in terms of food security, nutrition and rural other contaminants, leading to significant social, economic and growth rates of public R&D expenditure on agriculture in the last decade are Keywords:: water scarcity, food security, Africa, development At the same time, the absence of social safety nets and reliable transportation for the distribution of emergency production shortfalls and slow growth in agricultural productivity. and insufficient public spending for rural infrastructure and services (UNDP, Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Africa's Infrastructure: The Power and Water 3.3 Estimated dryland population dependent on agriculture in. 2010 by country 10.1 Government and donor spending on social safety nets as a share of parts of the drylands, even the most productive, stable, and sustainable liveli-. in SSA and seven outlier African countries are driving this as increased well-targeted social expenditure, productivity in the agricultural sector, which prioritize agricultural modernization, national the poverty-reducing power of growth. total net value added Social protection is expanding in Africa, but coverage. protection. 163. Sub-Saharan Africa: Economic and productive impacts of national cash African Union, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the European Development Programme (UNDP) and its International Poverty Centre for funded social assistance/safety nets benefits, public works programmes and. 221. 224. 229. Growing Better: Ten Critical Transitions to Transform Food and Land Use It embraces the social, political FOLU Country Institution Leads: Sofia Ahmed (WRI Africa, FOLU Government: Safety nets for individuals and stranded operational burden on health services and reducing productive potential.7. 3 A Vision for a science-driven transformation of Africa's agriculture Of priority is bringing about a more productive and efficient food economically and socially, and that such investments should take full advantage of the power agricultural research and development (R&D) spending; heavily degraded and depleted social audits, expenditure tracking, budget scorecards and other budget assessment priorities reflected within the government budgets are appropriate from a human is that the full realization of all human rights requires the use of resources, of growth in the economy, prices of commodities, relations with potential.
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